me with Android and of Allah's best
nursery's and what he's done is he's
taken some half seedlings and he's got a
test plot here and with time there are
natural mutations right and they they
change and this is one of his selections
what's this called f2 f2 it's got a very
robust tree just behind me here and it's
got several attributes both from a
production perspective and from a market
perspective that could be interesting
particularly the fruit load I'm not sure
if it's going to be so visible here on
the shop but you can see they're very
good fruit load but the purpose of this
video is for Aundre to tell us a little
bit about how to determine whether an
avocado has good flesh if not something
that most of us can see with the blind
guy but he's about to walk us through so
tell us it's easy to say you find the
ideal tree with all the attributes but
it in then must make it in the
marketplace because all is in the fruit
so that is what you're going to sell
there for the food need to have certain
characteristics so if you cut the food
open one of the first things that you
want to eat is flesh so therefore you do
not want a large stone so small stone is
important a thick skin is also important
at least one millimeter and thickness
one one and a half millimeters that is
basically to protect the flesh it
protects the fruit against fungal
infection while on the tree and it also
protects it against rough handling any
whatever you need the flesh now if you
look at the flesh itself that is the
edible part so we want to eat flesh of a
nice dice we do not want string genus
and sin genus comes from the vascular
bundles that's in the fruit now the
vascular bundles if compared with humans
is practically speaking the vines of the
fruit if you just point out the vines
will run from the top down to the bottom
it links up at the bottom with what we
call the test starts a little skin at a
seed skin that covers the skin the
cotyledons or the lobs and right in the
center there is the embryo and that
embryo needs to get its nutrients and
water from the roots so that is fed into
the fruit all right through that do this
the the embryo via what I referred to as
the tree vines or the vascular bundles
now if they are too prominent then
eventually people as I don't like like
that fruit because of each string genus
that is basically it but important is
also that you have a small seed that is
alive and supports the fruit right
through the stage while it's still
hanging on the tree and then you get a
beautiful tasting fruit if a little bit
time few weeks time off just being
rotted that's right you'll get a
beautiful and this particular selection
we know has got a beautiful flesh you
know to be very attractive remember
that's also important so when it becomes
mature these fruit is not quite so
mature yet the fruit is matured when it
reach a specific oil level the ideal oil
level as you know avocados are very oily
through the a deal oil level for theis
would be around 10% plus so then it
kicks in on dry matters that would be
different with different cultivars and
it's around twenty to twenty three
percent dry matter of the fruit then it
becomes tasty obviously needs to be to
be attractive because we all buy with
our eyes so you want the flesh nice and
yellow you the greens and research
typical of avocados and and on
appearance after you you've scoop this
out of this skin it's such a built-in
applied with this green yellow
combination and that is important again
they must be enough flesh food size is
also very important like with this the
fruit size is actually just where you
want it presently in the marketplace
returns for your grower is important
presently the returns for the grower is
best the best selling prices forever
goddess is between what we refer to as
account drinkie up to account 22 so that
is more or less from a 400 gram fruit up
to just slightly smaller than a 200 gram
fruit down about a 180 gram food that's
more release with the cut off and in
conclusion when are you planning on
starting commercial trials to this semi
commercial trial what the route you go
now this is yes under code you will
continue to to go under code with this
variety if you want to protect this
cultivar what you do is you start doing
a semi commercial class now this as you
see here is what we refer to as a
phenotype do block so if we know type 1
would be if you go through seed you
plant the seed you select you graph that
onto to your top work that on on subs
then you evaluate further on the
phenotype 2 and then the next slide will
be phenotype plea which we referred to
as semi commercial so when you go
semi-commercial you plant at least actor
so you could have a commercial quantity
of fruit then obviously you must have
good relationships the breeder need to
have good relationship with it right
then under code you give it to the tribe
but you never sell it you only file it
because as soon as you start selling it
or as soon as you you use it under the
user particular name then you cannot a
brand the particular name as soon as you
sell it the null and all of these sizes
gets affected but you can't roll it up
to as long as you want until you certain
that that resists variety can fill a
particular slum in the in the production
cycle of the avocado trees but also in
the de bandwidth in the particular
market size wise and sloth wise and just
finally would you be able to repeat the
the code of this variety that's what I
do presently the code is f2 but that
will obviously not be the reused you
know when we get to
protecting the varieties this is only
for trialing and therefore we need to
protect the novelty situs of any
selection right through the internet we
got to the point that we know we can
commercialize but well thanks very much
and I hope this f2 or whatever it ends
up being called goes on the market thank you